West Side UMC
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Youtube Channel: https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCZ_wdvoIXshVtjeruwt5cTQ
Skylands District
Skylands District Office
email: skylands@gnjumc.org
The United Methodist Communities of New Jersey
United Methodist Men
United Methodist Women
The Upper Room
Other Links
Find-a- Church UMC When you are traveling, look here for a church to visit.
Alcoholics Anonymous
American Legion Post 278, 973 347 5558
119 Hwy 183, Stanhope, NJ 07874
Borough of Hopatcong Senior Center 973 398 2608
32 Lakeside Blvd., Hopatcong, NJ 07843
Hopatcong government: 973 770 1200 Site has numerous links
111 River Styx Rd., Hopatcong, NJ 07843
Hopatcong Ambulance Squad 973 770 0440
SITE 516 River Styx Rd.,Hopatcong, NJ 07843
MAILING P.O. Box 334, Hopatcong, NJ 07843,
Hopatcong Fire Department emergency call 911,
for other business go to hopatcong.org/fire department SELECT FIRE COMPANY
Hopatcong Police Department: for emergency call 911, for other business call 973 398 5000
111 River Styx Rd., Hopatcong, NJ 07843
Lake Hopatcong Foundation 973 663 2616
125 Landing Rd., Landing, NJ 07850
Lake Hopatcong Historical Museum 973 398 2616
Lake Hopatcong Jewish Community Center 973 398 8700
15 Durban Avenue, Hopatcong, NJ 07843
Narcotics Anonymous
Consumer Protection, Div. of Consumer Affairs 800 242 5846 or 973 504 6200 www.njconsumeraffairs.gov
Fight Senior Fraud free hotline 1-877-746-7850
Info of Medicare www.medicare.gov/
Learn About Scams and Frauds: Scams and Frauds www.usa.gov/scams and frauds
Consumer FTC www.consumer.ftc.gov/features/scam-alerts
NJ Adult Protective Services Agency: to report abuse or neglect, call 973 383 3600 or after hours 1-800-446-6963
Social Security questions www.ssa.gov
Stop Telemarketing Calls www.donotcall.gov or 1-888-382-1222
Sussex County Office on Aging 973 579 0555
NJ Assisted Living Guide: