West Side UMC
Friday, March 28, 2025


West Side is located on Maxim Drive in Hopatcong, New Jersey 07843
Sussex County Route 607 
Its street address and mailing address are:
West Side United Methodist Church
16 Maxim Drive,
Hopatcong, NJ 07843
The church office telephone number is 973 398 0846 . 
Church's email address is  hopatcongwestsideumc@gmail.com
The fax number is 973 398 9948. Office hours: volunteers: varies
The parsonage number is 908-265-2766.         
Pastor Jeong's e-mail address    pastorjeong11@gmail.com
The Child Care Center at West Side's telephone number is 973 398 5010 .
(1) Facebook ("Like" and "Follow" us)
(2) Youtube ("Subscribe" us)
Child Care Center's  Website is  through the church's website.
Child Care Center Director: Kelly Riley
The following are the directions to Hopatcong West Side United Methodist Church. It is located on the west side of Lake Hopatcong and is on Sussex County Route 607. It is often referred to as West Side Church. Do not confuse Hopatcong, which is located in Sussex County, with an area in Jefferson Township in Morris County, located on the eastern side of Lake Hopatcong and called Lake Hopatcong.
Directions from Interstate 80 Traveling West.
West Side is located approximately 4.7miles north of Route 80. Get off at exit 28. At the end of the off ramp go straight ahead (do not take the right turn ). After exiting route 80 on your way to the west shore your will go 0.9 mile and cross a narrow bridge. Just past the bridge is a T intersection and a traffic light. You will see Lake Hopatcong straight ahead of you. Turn left at this light. You will be on Lakeside Boulevard, which will later also be Sussex County road 607. For the remainder of your travel you will be on Sussex County 607. After 0.4 mile you will pass a light at a Pathmark Shopping Plaza. Continue 1.6 miles and you will see Maxim Glen/Modick Park on your left. Just past the Park the road makes a 90 degree turn to the left and becomes Hopatchung Road. Three blocks further, at the light behind the Municipal Building, the road swings 90 degrees to the right. You are approximately 1.4 miles from the church. Continue on 607, now called River Styx Road. You will pass a light at Hudson Maxim School, cross the River Styx Bridge, and just past the Hopatcong Ambulance Squad Building make a left into the Church parking lot. For all your travel in Sussex County you will be on 607.
Directions from Interstate 80 Traveling East
Exit Route 80 at Exit 30. Make a left turn at the end of the off-ramp. Get back on Route 80 going west and exit at Exit 28. Stay in left lane. Go left at the end of the off-ramp onto Howard Boulevard. Pass under the Route 80 overpasses. Make a left onto Route 80 West. Follow the directions for “Directions from Interstate 80 Traveling West”
Directions from Sussex County Route 605 (Stanhope-Sparta Road). This is the road on which Helen Morgan School in Sparta and Lenape Valley High School in Stanhope are located. There is a blinker and 4-way stop at the intersection of Sussex County Routes 605 and 607. At that intersection you are 2.7 miles from West Side. Go up the relatively steep hill on Route 607. The road makes an abrupt right turn, appropriately called “hair pin turn”. Continue on 607 to West Side, which will be on your right. Along the way you will pass a firehouse (Fire Company 2) at a traffic light (intersection of Sussex County 609 and 607) and St. Jude’s Catholic Church, which is just before West Side.
Directions from Sussex County Route 609
Continue west on 609 until you reach the intersection with 607 at the firehouse. Turn left and continue on 607 to West Side, as indicated above.
Directions from Route 206 Traveling South
Travel on 206 south until you arrive in the Netcong/Stanhope area. You will see Lake Musconetcong on your left. At the traffic light, Center street, Morris County 631, turn left and continue 2.2 miles to a traffic light at the Pathmark Shopping Plaza. You want to make a left turn at the light, but in order to go left you must go straight across and follow the jug handle around to the left. That will merge with Lakeside Boulevard going north. Then follow the directions in Directions from Interstate 80 Traveling West starting at the Pathmark intersection.
Directions from Route 46/ 206 North (183) Netcong Circle Traveling North
At the Netcong circle (intersection of routes 46 and 206) continue north on 183 (formerly 206). At the first traffic light turn right onto Center Street, Morris County Route 631. Continue 2.2 miles on 631 to the Pathmark intersection/light. Continue as indicated in Directions from Route 206 Traveling South
Directions from Route 10 Traveling North
Take Route 10 West to the Ledgewood Routes 10 and 46 intersection. Turn left onto Route 46 West. Stay in the right lane as you proceed about 0.5 mile on 46.. The road will fork and route 46 will bear to the left. Do not take Route 46, but rather, continue straight ahead. You will pass on ramps for Route 80 East and Route 80 West. To your right, you will see the traffic from Route 80 West Exit 28, which will merge with your traffic. Continue straight ahead. Follow the Directions from Interstate 80 Traveling West.