West Side UMC
Friday, September 13, 2024


      Support Us!

You can be Jesus' arms and legs .Many groups are seeking helpers, for time, energy, items, and money.

  You will not find any uses that give you more of a feeling of purpose than support a congregation of

believers in its work for a community. We show we are Christians by our love. 

 The look on the faces of a needy family as a result of your activities or money is a treasure.

Please consider helping with the Thrift Shop, especially Saturday and Wed morning 9-12.

.                        You may have used items that others can use.

Please consider being a helper in the food  pantry, Save The People, STP, on

Saturday morning 9 to 12 and at other times during the week. 

Include in the use of your resources supporting the congregation of believers at West Side

by contributing money. Originally the tithe was ten percent of their income.

Many people tithe, some tithe more than ten

percent and some less. Whatever you contribute, it is important that you set aside regularly

for the upkeep of Jesus' work. Analyze how you use your resources. 

That is an indication of what you consider important.

The tithe does not bring you salvation. A tithe is an indication of your love for Jesus and

your desire to be part of Jesus' work here on earth. Jesus has paid the price for believers.

Jesus does so much for us.

To make it simpler you can contribute money via the credit card link below.


     www.paypal.com/donate?hosted button id=C7SWLQXH4QYPS 


                      BLESSED THAT WE MAY BE A BLESSING!                               GET OUT OF THE BOAT.